By Michel Labrecque

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 Blue shark populations are in steep decline. They are falling victim to long lining and it is becoming rare to encounter sharks that are free of hooks or lines.

Sharks are often referred to as super predators. They have long been considered as ruthless killers. In modern times, Hollywood has contributed to vilifying these creatures that have roamed our oceans for over 450 million years.

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By Eirik Grønningsæter

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A Tristan albatross is taking off from the tussock grass slopes as a southerly gentle breeze is pushed against the cliffs of Tristan de Cunha – a small archipelago in the South Atlantic and currently the only place on the planet this rare bird species breeds. This is his first flight in life and he won’t return to his birth island or any other land before he is sexually mature in about six years from now. In the mean time, he will soar with grace over what seem to us ferocious seas, with his wing tips as gently gliding over the water. These crashing wave crests and rolling swells that scare most people back to shore are this albatross’ source of energy to keep gliding, to keep flying, so he can visit all the corners of the sea. This is where he finds food, and obtains his energy to fly. This is where he will see all his sunsets and sunrises, and where he will learn all the secrets you need to know to live for 80 years. This is where he will find a partner and where he will find love. This is the ocean – this is his home.

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By Cristina Zenato

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Photo by Eddy Raphael 

 I love sharks. I have loved sharks since I can remember.

People ask me what it is that attracted me to sharks in the beginning and I am never sure of the real answer. My passion has grown through the years and the memory of the first thoughts has faded. Was it because they are the villains nobody wanted to care about and I felt they needed somebody who cared about them? Or was it because I thought they were special and beautiful, so different from so many of the other animals on this planet? Was it because they were just easy to love, as everybody else did not?

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