By Jillian Morris-Brake


Jillian filming hammerhead sharks in Bimini Image: Grant Johnson

I have been fascinated by the ocean for as long as I can remember. As a child I spent hours crawling around tide pools on the coast of Maine and saw my first shark snorkeling in Florida at the age of 8. I knew I wanted to be a marine biologist by the time I was 5 and that curiosity and passion never changed.

After graduating from the University of New England with a behavioral biology degree I set out for a life on the water. On this journey I have worked as an onboard biologist for eco-tours, dive guide, photographer, videographer, researcher and marine biologist. I have been out of the cage with great whites, seen a lemon shark give birth and have been surrounded by the grace and beauty of ten great hammerheads. Sharks have become the focal point of my adult life and my water born experiences have led to a life where every week is shark week. 

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