By Erin McFadden

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It’s that moment towards the end of a long haul flight, when I’m sitting on what is now an uncomfortable but soon to be forgotten economy seat, that I am handed the arrival card and my now well-practiced form filling begins. I’m abnormally happy to now know my passport number and expiry date without having to go digging in my hand luggage to find my passport and look it up. I’m now uncharacteristically thrilled to lift a pen that has been pre-placed in my bag in the knowledge that this form filling was coming while watching the majority of people around me follow my pen zipping across the form. Yes of course you can borrow it when I’m done. But amongst the ridiculous “are you bringing over $10,000 cash into the country” style questions (if I’m sitting in Economy it should be obvious that no, I’m not…) there is always one that makes me pause.

“What is your occupation?”

Well that all depends what country I am landing in and which ship I am headed to. It could be a number of different things, but having tried a few more detailed answers over the past few years I now simply and lucidly write “DIVER”.

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