Mike Scotland

MScotland Selfie

I learned to dive in 1976 and became a Dive Instructor in 1982, teaching actively around Sydney for twenty years. I am passionate about under water photography and Marine Biology. The more we learn about the sea, the more we can appreciate and enjoy it. I developed detailed Marine Biology courses for scuba divers to help them learn what they are looking at.

On a good day, I enjoy diving in Sydney as much as anywhere. Sydney has incredible marine life and we dive all year round.  Sydney is one of the most underrated dive spots, but is under constant threat from the perils of people and destructive construction, pollution and overfishing. I passed 5600 dives last year and over the last seven years I am averaging 270 dives a year.  I have dived all over the western Pacific on more than sixty liveaboards including 43 dive trips to the Great Barrier Reef.

I write for Dive Log Australasia and Ocean Geographic.  I enjoy writing about destinations and marine life especially fish and sharks. I also write informative articles about flatworms and sea stars, which are filled with information thanks to my degree in Zoology and constant research. I get a lot of pleasure seeing my articles and photographs in print. www.mikescotlandscuba.com.

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